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3 Dec 2019
| 1 mins to read

Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?

Other factors that affect the decision to remove the wisdom tooth include the possibility of recurrent infection and the future usefulness of the tooth.

25 Aug 2019
| 2 mins to read

How to Treat a Cracked Tooth?

Cosmetic contouring If the chip of the tooth is very minor, for example, just a little edge of a tooth, often nothing needs to be done. If the chipped area bothers your tongue or...

11 Aug 2019
| 2 mins to read

Wedding Preparations: Wear Your Best Smile

Pretty teeth need strong gums. At least a month before your big day, make an appointment with your dentist to have your teeth and gums thoroughly cleaned. Food debris or hardened...

24 Jul 2019
| 1 mins to read

Child Dentist Singapore: Your Kid’s First Dental V...

Babies even less than one year, can develop tooth decay. This may not be noticed as the initial stages of tooth decay can be as subtle as a chalky white streak along the neck of...

14 Jun 2019
| 1 mins to read

Fees for Treatment with Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign Moderate is a package for simpler cases or for limited treatment that will take about 7 months. The Invisalign Comprehensive package is for complex conditions needing...

5 Jun 2019
| 1 mins to read

Gum Disease & Diabetes

People with diabetes have a low resistance to infection They are 2.6 times more likely to contract severe gum disease, as they are more susceptible to sores, wounds, and...

10 Apr 2019
| 2 mins to read

Signs of Gum Disease

26 Mar 2019
| 1 mins to read

How Much Do Braces Cost To Straighten My Teeth?

Although cost is an important factor in decision making, there are many things your dentist needs to know before a treatment plan and a fee can be given to you.

26 Mar 2019
| 1 mins to read

Dental Services for You and Your Family

What Can Smile Makers do for you and your family? Dental Checks for Pregnant Mums Contrary to old wives’ tales, it is good practice to have dental check-ups during your pregnancy...

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