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31 May 2018

Emergency Dentures: Quick and Effective Solutions ...

We recommend a permanent solution like All-on-4 implants for emergency cases such as this. These enable you to gain a complete set of teeth within just a day.

26 May 2018
| 2 mins to read

Expert Tips on Emergency Dentist Fillings

Treating a cavity involves removing the decayed part of the tooth and filling the hollow cavity with a filling material. Fillings are also required to repair cracked or broken...

24 May 2018
| 1 mins to read

Seletar Dental Implants: An Overview

When these are in place, our dentists can mount implants or a bridge as the situation dictates. One of the bigger advantages here is the fact that a dental implant doesn’t come...

5 May 2018
| 2 mins to read

Dental Implants & Jaw Implants: How Can They Beaut...

You may be eager to receive dental implants so you would be be able to receive replacements for your missing teeth, allowing you to smile again. However, before you do decide to...

1 May 2018
| 2 mins to read

Emergency Dental Tips from Nuffield Dental Dentist...

An emergency dental problem can happen anywhere, anytime and that is why we want to help you, whether it is in our clinics or at home.

3 Mar 2018
| 1 mins to read

Sleep Dentistry: Fear the Dentist No More

Sleep dentistry is commonly used when doing root canal treatments, dental implants and wisdom tooth extractions. There are three main types of sedation or sleep dentistry we use...

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