Caring For Yourself During The COVID-19 Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic is continuously evolving, it is understandable to feel overwhelmed and stressed by it all. However, you must recognise that these feelings are normal and temporary.
At Nuffield Dental, we care about the well-being of our patients. Here is a concise list of practised self-care activities that you can do to take care of yourself during this pandemic.
Have Good Hygiene
It has now become the novel normal to wear a mask every time you are out and about. This is one of the ways we can maintain good hygiene to mitigate the risk of being infected by the virus. Be socially responsible when out by physically distancing with the people around you. Instil the habit of constantly washing your hands between meals and after coming home from a day out. Another tip is to sanitise the devices you touch regularly as they may also contain unhygienic germs and bacteria.
Connect With Others Safely
Although not physically, this is the best time to keep in touch with friends and family digitally; through phone calls, texts and videoconferencing. Keep yourself updated with their lives at a distance and support networks with loved ones.
Engage in Daily Activities that You Enjoy
Direct your energy to activities, hobbies or creative outlets to replace the focus on the coronavirus. Decorating, cooking, photography - take your pick. Engaging in activities you enjoy is a great way to pass time, reduce stress and anxiety.
Stay Active
It is known that exercise is good for both our physical health. There are heaps of creative ways in how you can exercise at home - online workouts, yoga, or even bringing your dog for a walk. But don’t forget to safely adhere to social distancing while you’re at it!
Take Care of Your Mental Health
With all the uncertainty right now, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. It is very helpful to inculcate deep breathing as a habit to relieve any stress or unhappiness you may be feeling. This acts as mindfulness meditation to keep calm and stress-free.
With work and school put to a halt, it is easy to get sucked into the digital world. Reduce the use of excessive social media and video-watching. Spend some time away from your phone - put it on airplane mode while watching a movie, or leave it in another room while you cook.
There are many ways to upkeep your well-being and that of your loved ones during this trying time. Remember that like everything in life, this pandemic is solely temporary and will pass. Take proactive measures to manage your state of mind during these times of uncertainty, and remember that help is always available.
If you are feeling unwell, do visit your nearest health professional for a medical opinion and get the rest you need. We hope to overcome the battles of this pandemic soon and get back to the normal way of life.