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Dental Implants & Jaw Implants: How Can They Beautify Your Smile?

Dental implants are a boon for those suffering from tooth loss. Good oral health and a strong jaw are a prerequisite for implants. In this article, we tell you why.

You may be eager to receive dental implants so you would be be able to receive replacements for your missing teeth, allowing you to smile again. However, before you do decide to go ahead with the procedure, it is critical that you determine if you have the required jaw strength to have a successful result.

Why Would You Need to Have a Strong Jaw for an Implant Surgery?

  • The integration process that starts once the implant has been placed inside the jaw is key to dental implant treatment. Termed as osseointegration, this stage of treatment is when the titanium post integrates with the bone tissue. 
  • If there’s not enough bone tissue in the jaw when this process starts, the implant will not be properly fixed and is at risk of failing in the future. 
  • If you have enough bone tissue and a strong jaw, the implant is likely to begin the integration process. Hence, dentists perform detailed jaw examinations before starting the dental implant process. 
  • Good oral and gum health and sufficient bone mass are required before undertaking the procedure. 


What Other Factors Are Important to Consider?

  • Titanium is used for creating jaw implants, as it’s a biocompatible material and won’t be rejected by the body. 
  • A solid anchor is required before dental implants are inserted; hence jaw implants are crucial before starting the implant process.  
  • A missing tooth can affect your eating and sleeping habits. 

Are You Suitable for a Facial Implant Surgery?

Before you proceed with the facial implant surgery, it's important that you consider the following: 

  • You need to have healthy gums to be a good candidate. Those suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis will need to get treated first.  
  • A good oral hygiene routine is necessary. The surgery requires time, and your dentist will need your help in keeping the surgical site clean and healthy. 

How is the Procedure Performed?

Surgery is performed in two steps. Firstly, the dentist will anaesthetise the area and cut through the gums. After a hole is drilled into the jaw bone, an implant is inserted to strengthen the bone. Subsequently, the implant site is stitched up, and the stitches are removed after 10 days. The second step comes after a couple of months. If you’ve gotten upper jaw surgery done, you need to wait five or six months. The lower jaw requires a shorter time frame.

During this point, a temporary crown is placed over the surgery area. This is the last step before the final work for your dental implants is carried out. 

Now that you know how dental implant surgery can beautify your smile and provide you with replacement teeth, you can go ahead and book an appointment with us today! Get in touch with us to know about which treatment plan is suitable for you. 




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