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If You Like Your Smile

Nuffield Dental can help YOU keep your smile all through your life.

At Nuffield Dental, we...

  • Show you the right way of keeping your teeth clean with brush, floss and other aids.
  • Recommend Fluoride and Calcium cream to help prevent decay or tooth sensitivity
  • Apply Sealants to prevent tooth decay.
  • Provide professional cleaning to prevent gum disease – the most common dental problem affecting adults today.
  • Take time to explain the nature of the problem you have and the methods available to treat it.
  • Help you to understand what we are doing with Educational Leaflets and Videos.
  • Conduct Saliva Tests to see if your saliva is protecting your teeth from decay. This is especially important for older adults or those taking many medicines.

We can also show you how to manage your anxiety about dental treatment.

And when you complete your dental treatment with us, we offer you a Smile Maintenance Contract — to help you keep your smile at its best.

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Why Choose Nuffield Dental

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures more comfortable, accessible and seamless.

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Our dentists have specialised in implant dentistry and oral surgery for more than 20 years. We have accredited dental specialists who are skilled in the area of dental implant surgery.

Metal-free Dental Implant Costs in Singapore?

Please call one of our Nuffield Dental clinics in Singapore for pricing details.

Call 65 6833 4353
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