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Home / When Was the Last Time You Had a Full Dental Check-Up?
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When Was the Last Time You Had a Full Dental Check-Up?

Benefits of a full dental checkup

  • Gives you a comprehensive understanding of your current oral health
  • Make informed decisions on your treatment
  • Save money as check-ups detect early disease that is easier and cheaper to treat than
    advanced disease

What does a full Dental Check-up involve?

  • An interview to understand your concerns and past treatment history.
  • A visual examination
  • Radiographic examination (X-rays)

What sort of X-rays are taken?

1.   Full mouth X-ray

Gives an overall picture of your dental condition.
It can reveal conditions e.g.

  • Past dental work done such as root canal treated teeth
  • Hidden or buried teeth such as wisdom teeth
  • Any infection on the roots of the teeth
  • Overall development of the teeth

2.   Intra-Oral X-rays

It can reveal:

  • hidden decay in between teeth and under old fillings or crowns.
  • the condition of old fillings & crowns.

Did you know that…

  • X-rays take only a few minutes to do
  • Results can be viewed immediately.
  • Our X-rays are digital so they can be e-mailed to you at your request

Are X-rays safe?

The Singapore Dental Health Foundation states that X-rays are useful diagnostic tools for detecting cavities in
teeth, and checking for bone and gum disorders. Dental X-rays solely need a low level of radiation exposure.
To protect the patient, lead apron is used.

For pregnant women X-rays are solely taken when needed for treatment.
*Note that use of lead apron and will offer protection against radiation exposure. X-rays can still be taken for breastfeeding mothers and women trying to get pregnant.

Note: If an X-ray examination is not done, there is the real risk that some conditions will not be discovered which can put your health at risk. A healthy body is reflected in a healthy mouth. Early detection of any abnormality in the oral cavity may save lives. Every tooth and its surrounding gums are checked and its condition recorded for future reference.

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Why Choose Nuffield Dental?

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures comfortable, accessible and seamless.

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Our dentists have been accredited in general dentistry for 20+ years. We have accredited dental providers who are skilled in the area of dental implant surgery.

General Dentistry Costs in Singapore?

Please call one of our Nuffield Dental clinics in Singapore for pricing details.

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