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Emergency Dentist Singapore: Why Should You Pick Nuffield Dental?

Nuffield Dental prides itself on being a dental practice that is continually evolving and expanding on its skillset. One of the services we, at Nuffield Dental, are most proud of is our Emergency Dental Clinic. Here at Nuffield, we go out of our way to ensure each patient is looked after with the best of our abilities, even after office hours. 

Why Nuffield Dental?

Nuffield Dental is proud to be one of the dental clinics that provide emergency dental care beyond office hours. We know dental emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime and we want to be there for you whenever it happens.

We have two emergency dental clinics strategically located in Singapore's popular residential areas, namely Bedok and Seletar. These clinics are opened from 9 pm to 9 am to attend to any of your urgent oral needs, whether you need help with a persistent toothache or root canal procedure. 


Skilled dentists

At Nuffield Dental, we believe in providing you with the best. Our skilled in-house dental professionals have than 20 years of accredited dental implantology and oral surgery experience. In the hand of any regular dentist at Nuffield Dental, you know your dental procedure will go well. 

Fast and efficient service

Our emergency dental services are fast and efficient. Time is of the essence when you’ve chipped or lost a tooth. The quicker we can find a dental remedy, the enhanced the chances are to regain your oral health. When you find yourselves in need of any dental treatment, you should come and see us immediately.

MediSave and insurance claimable

We understand that emergencies be unexpected and heavy on the pockets. That is why we offer opportunities for you to claim your insurance and MediSave to lighten the load. With these platforms, you do not have to worry about an urgent dental issue. 

Dental emergencies can range from toothaches to bleeding gums. However, when do you know to come down to our dental office for help? Click here to read about dental emergency scenarios and what you should do when experiencing them. 

While we know emergencies can be unforeseen, the best way to reduce experiencing this scenario is by taking care of your dental health. It is as simple as brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day as well as going for a regular dental check-up every six months. These steps will keep unwanted bacteria and plaque away from teeth and reduce the chances of seeing an emergency dentist.




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Why Choose Nuffield Dental?

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures comfortable, accessible and seamless.

Emergency & Night Dentistry

Our dentists have specialised in emergency & night dentistry for 20+ years. We have accredited dental specialists who are skilled in the area of dental implant surgery.

Emergency & Night Dentistry Costs in Singapore?

Please call one of our Nuffield Dental clinics in Singapore for pricing details.

Call 65 6833 4353
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