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Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Alleviate Pain and Prevent Future Problems

At Nuffield Dental, our patients have been advised to remove their impacted wisdom teeth that are present. An impacted wisdom tooth is when the tooth has not enough room to come out like it should. Wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore is done under a local anaesthesia.

What are Wisdom teeth?

Your wisdom teeth, sometimes also called your third molars, are the very last teeth at the back of your mouth. They usually come in much later than any of your other teethwhen you are older, between ages 18 to 24 years.  Most adults have a total of 4 wisdom teeth in total, with two at the top and two at the bottom. 

What is Wisdom Tooth Extraction?


What is Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Sometimes wisdom teeth erupt in a way that affects your other teeth or gums, or if there is no space for them to come out, they get trapped within your jaw causing oral problems. 


If they are in a position that is difficult to reach when brushing, chances are food particles get trapped here. This causes plaque and bacteria build-up, resulting in decay.


Here at Nuffield, our dentists would also recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth even if they are not causing you pain or discomfort such as to prevent future oral health problems. 

Do I Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Singapore?

You may need a wisdom tooth surgery if you exhibit the following symptoms:
  • Red or swollen gums or bleeding gums. One of the first signs of your wisdom teeth coming in is when you experience any tenderness or discomfort around the back of your mouth. This can be on either side or just one. If you can imagine the sensation of adult teething, this would be an exact idea of what you would feel. You may also notice swollen gums.
  • Swelling around the jaw. As your wisdom teeth come in, they can push against your other teeth and make them move. This in turn can cause discomfort in your jaw, so it feels stiff, sore and difficult to open. This can also cause swelling of both the gum in the back of the mouth or on the side of the jaw.
  • Bad breath. If your wisdom teeth are impacted and cannot come in cleanly, they can trap food and bacteria, irritate your gums, and injure other teeth. All of these things can contribute to the type of bacterial infection that can cause bad breath.
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth. If you get an infection or tooth decay in your wisdom teeth, they can cause a persistent bad taste. Again, prevention is better than cure, and having your wisdom teeth removed is a surefire way to get rid of the problem.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth. Misalignment due to your wisdom teeth can also make it difficult to open and close your mouth.

Do I Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Singapore?


Why Remove Your Wisdom Tooth?

Not removing your impacted wisdom teeth may cause you severe discomfort or even cause problems to your other teeth. This can cause an array of problems listed as follows:
  • Tooth Decay

As your wisdom teeth are so far back in your mouth, they are often difficult to keep clean, accumulating plaque and food particles. If this occurs for a prolonged period, both your wisdom tooth and surrounding teeth can start decaying.


This is especially unfortunate as it can ultimately result in you having to lose both these teeth. Therefore it is advisable to remove your wisdom teeth sooner rather than later to prevent this from happening.


The gums surrounding your wisdom teeth may also become inflamed due to the same reason of prolonged plaque and food particle accumulation. This is especially the case in improperly-erupted wisdom teeth. 


As a result, pain, bad breath, and swelling can follow. In severe cases, this can be accompanied by gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. These are serious issues that may require immediate medical attention.

  • Teeth Crowding

If your wisdom teeth erupt in a misaligned manner, they can push the rest of your other teeth in front into disarray. This causes them to be malpositioned, which can negatively impact your appearance, bite, speech and oral hygiene.


For patients who have invested in orthodontics treatment, the work done can be reversed, causing teeth to shift or crowd again.


In a minority of cases, cysts or tumours can form around an impacted wisdom tooth. If these are left to fester, they can destroy your surrounding jaw bone and infect neighbouring teeth, rendering the need for complex and extensive treatment.


Why Remove Your Wisdom Tooth?

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Cost Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Singapore

The costs of wisdom tooth surgery vary primarily due to how complex the case is. This is dependant on factors such as:


  • Age: Younger patients have softer bone, which makes wisdom tooth extraction easier.
  • Position of gum tissue: A wisdom tooth is easier to extract if it has fully emerged, compared to if it was underneath your gum tissue.
  • Submerged level of wisdom tooth: If your wisdom tooth is completely buried within the bone, this will require drilling into your jaw to extract.
  • Proximity to nerves: Deeply buried wisdom teeth are closer to nerves, which makes extraction difficult.
  • Root shape of wisdom tooth: A wisdom tooth with an irregular root shape is harder to extract.

Should you be entitled for Medisave claims, you can claim up to S$1,250 for surgical procedure via Medisave. Our doctors will need to examine your dental issue to advise you accordingly with the actual cost for your dental needs.

Benefits Of Having Wisdom Tooth Removed

Benefits Of Wisdom Tooth Surgery 

  • Reduction in headaches. Your permanent molars and other adult teeth establish themselves firmly in your jaw and gums by early adulthood. This makes your wisdom teeth trying to emerge cause unwanted movement of these acknowledged teeth. As a result, you face teeth crowding. Crowding of teeth causes a range of symptoms, such as headaches, Removing your wisdom tooth could possibly relieve your gums of the pressure.
  • Oral and Facial Pain Prevention or Relief. Another problem people face when keeping their wisdom teeth is orofacial pain. This pain in your mouth and face come from problems related to your wisdom teeth, such as tooth crowding, gum disease, and tooth decay. You experience a lower quality of life when keeping your third molars, largely because of the pain you experience on an ongoing basis.

  • Reduced Risk of Oral Disease. Keeping your wisdom teeth means you suffer higher risk for tooth decay and gum disease. These common problems lead to advanced oral infections and discomfort. You also face loss of vital tissues from these conditions, such as through bone loss and gum recession. The earlier you allow wisdom teeth removal, the less likely you are to face these damages to your oral and physical health.

  • Fewer Oral Injuries. Wisdom teeth commonly come through at an angle. Wisdom teeth that are turned outwards can lead to you accidentally biting your cheeks while chewing, while teeth that point inwards can scratch the sides of the tongue.

  • Cleaner Teeth. Many people struggle to clean their wisdom teeth thoroughly. When teeth are solely partially erupted, it can be impossible to brush the entire tooth surface to prevent the build-up of dental plaque and tartar. If your wisdom teeth and molars are very tightly packed together, you might also find it difficult to slide floss between the teeth.

    Over the years, the inability to clean teeth thoroughly can lead to dental decay. One benefit of wisdom teeth removal is that it is much easier to keep teeth clean to reduce the risk of cavities.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

Stage 1: Consultation

  • Exploration of Concerns

    When you attend your wisdom tooth removal consultation, our team of providers will discuss all of your individual concerns, taking your health, dental and financial circumstances into account.

  • Full Dental Assessment

    Your general health condition, as well as the condition of your wisdom teeth and gums, will be thoroughly assessed, which may include having to take some necessary X-rays or CBCT scans, to determine the exact position of your wisdom teeth and their surrounding structures.

  • Individualised Treatment Plan

    Our providers will then thoroughly explain the benefits and risks of removal of wisdom teeth, the procedure involved, and tailor a plan that is specific to you, leaving you with no doubts.

Stage 2: Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

  • Local or General Anaesthesia

    Before your wisdom tooth is removed, the relevant area will be entirely numbed with general or local anesthesia, ensuring that you will not feel any pain at all during the whole procedure.

    You may additionally be placed under prior sedation or general anaesthesia depending on your agreed individualised treatment plan. 
  • Wisdom Tooth Removal

A minor surgical procedure may be involved depending on the position of your wisdom tooth and surrounding bone, in which case a small area of your overlying gum will be lifted to gain access to your wisdom tooth. 


Your tooth may then need to be sectioned for its removal. You may feel some pressure and vibrations and hear some cracking noises, but you should not feel any pain throughout. 


Once the tooth is removed, the area will be well sterilised, and your gums will be stitched back together.

Stage 3: Post-Operative Care

After the procedure is completed, the healing process may take a few days of care for proper recovery. 


  • Some minor bleeding from the wound can be expected. This can be controlled by biting down firmly on a piece of gauze. 
  • Facial swelling and discolouration of the overlying skin may also develop, increasing for the first three days after the procedure and subsiding after that. You also may not be able to open your mouth as large as usual for a few days. You can use ice packs on your face to reduce the swelling.
  • Painkillers, antibiotics, and an antiseptic mouthwash will usually be prescribed to prevent any post-operative complications. 
  • You should maintain good oral hygiene and brush and floss, avoid vigorous rinsing, eat soft foods, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol and avoid strenuous activities for at least a few days after the procedure to minimise the risk of any complications.

Risks Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is a commonly performed procedure and is generally safe, but the following may be some risks associated with this procedure:
  • Due to the nature of the procedure, there may be facial swelling, discolouration of the overlying skin, pain, and jaw stiffness for up to 2 weeks after, so there may be a need to take time off from work or school. The symptoms are usually worse for the first three days and will gradually enhance.
  • During the surgery, there is a small risk of accidental damage to your adjacent teeth and jaw. However, this is very unlikely under the meticulous hands of our providers.
  • In some cases, after the procedure, the area may become infected or inflamed. The risk of this can be significantly reduced with strict adherence to the post-operative care instructions we provide.
  • There may be a possible risk of temporary or permanent altered sensations to your lower lip, cheek, or tongue from the removal of lower wisdom teeth. This risk varies according to the proximity of your wisdom tooth to your nerves. Your dentist will discuss this thoroughly with you during your initial consultation, with the help of an X-ray or Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan.

Risks Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction


Wisdom Tooth Extraction FAQs

  • How long does a Wisdom Tooth removal process take? 

    A non-surgical wisdom tooth extraction typically take about 30 minutes to complete per tooth.  

    Wisdom tooth surgeries however, will take between 30 mins – 60 mins per tooth but this is dependable on the complexity of the surgery. 

  • Is the Wisdom Tooth Surgery painful?
    You shouldn't feel any pain as your wisdom teeth are removed because the area will be numb. However, if you do feel pain during the procedure, tell your dentist or oral surgeon so they can give you anaesthetic.
  • How many days of rest(MC) will I be issued after a wisdom tooth surgery?

    Depending on your dentist, most patients will typically be given 5 days of MC after a wisdom tooth surgery. If multiple teeth are removed in a single sitting, days will be given if required.
  • How long will post surgery pain last?

    Post surgery pain from a wisdom tooth surgery will typically last around 24 – 72 hours. Pain medicine will prescribed to all patients after the surgery.

  • What to expect when getting wisdom teeth removed?
    Normal healing after tooth extraction should be as follows: The first two days after wisdom teeth removal surgery are generally the most uncomfortable, and there is usually some swelling. On the third day, you should be comfortable and, although still swollen, can usually begin a substantial diet.
  • What are some of the side effects of wisdom tooth removal?

    1. Dry Socket (Alveolar Osteitis)

    After the wisdom teeth removal, blood clots form over the extraction sites to help your mouth heal. Alveolar osteitis, or dry socket, occurs if this blood clot is dislodged, leaving the nerve under your gum exposed to air or food debris. Signs include throbbing or sharp pain at the extraction site. Do contact our panel of expert doctors at +65 9839 7363 immediately upon experiencing such symptoms.



    2. Lip Numbness


    Lip numbness is rare, but it's possible. Your wisdom teeth are close to the inferior alveolar nerve in the jaw. If the nerve becomes damaged during the procedure, it can lead to numbness in the lips or jaw. This numbness is usually temporary, but it can be permanent if nerve damage is severe. Most wisdom teeth extractions do not have this complication, however.

    Your dentist or surgeon will discuss with you possible wisdom teeth extraction complications and their recommendations for reducing risk, including taking care of your extraction site after the procedure to ensure proper healing. Follow their aftercare instructions and contact their office if you are concerned about a side effect or complication of your wisdom teeth removal.


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Singapore 807011

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2 Kovan Road #01-03
Singapore 548008

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Nuffield Dental Serangoon Gardens
Serangoon Garden Estate
57 Serangoon Garden Way
Singapore 555953

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Nuffield Dental Siglap
The Domain
914 East Coast Road #01-03
Singapore 459108

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Nuffield Dental Simpang Bedok
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430 Upper Changi Road #01-64
Singapore 487048

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Nuffield Dental Holland Village
7 Holland Village Way #03-16
Singapore 275748

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3 Gateway Dr #04-32
Singapore 608532

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Nuffield Dental HarbourFront
HarbourFront Centre
1 Maritime Square #02-64A
Singapore 099253

Novena Dental

Nuffield Dental Novena
Novena Medical Centre
10 Sinaran Dr #09-26
Singapore 307506

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Nuffield Dental Jewel
Wheelock Place
501 Orchard Road #05-01
Singapore 238880

Raffles Place Dental

Nuffield Dental Raffles Place
One Raffles Place
1 Raffles Place #05-19
Singapore 048616

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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Costs in Singapore?

Please call one of our Nuffield Dental clinics in Singapore for pricing details.

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Why Choose Nuffield Dental?

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre in Singapore. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

Dental care

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures comfortable, accessible and seamless.

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Our dentists have been accredited in wisdom tooth and oral surgery for 20+ years. We have accredited dental providers who are skilled in the area of dental implant surgery.


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